Learn - Enjoy
Learn - Enjoy
To learn we have to raise questions, understand, apply, explore and create.
For example, suppose we learn Group
theory using Topics in Algebra, by
I. N. Herstein, second edition.
Only after understanding the
I. N. Herstein, second edition.
Only after understanding the
preliminary notions given in Chapter 1
and the hindsight through A(S), we have
and the hindsight through A(S), we have
to go through the definition of a group :
Unless we know what is a nonempty set
and binary operation we can not follow
the definition.
Even after knowing the preliminaries,
Even after knowing the preliminaries,
we have to understand the 4 conditions
to be satisfied by the binary operation.
Before reading further, try to
understand the definition of a group.
If the natural question
“Is the first condition ‘closed’ on the
binary operation necessary ?” arise in
our mind, we can appreciate ourselves. Otherwise, it means that we have not understood the definition of a group.
If we recollect the definition of binary
If we recollect the definition of binary
operation given in the Chapter 1:
we can see that by the definition of
we can see that by the definition of
binary operation as a mapping from
G × G into G,
a.b ∈ G, for all a, b ∈ G.
Hence the first condition ‘closed’ is not
a.b ∈ G, for all a, b ∈ G.
Hence the first condition ‘closed’ is not
necessary, it is repeated.
So, we can conclude that the definition
of a group is :
(After feeling proud)
The next question “why the ‘closed’
(After feeling proud)
The next question “why the ‘closed’
condition is redundantly given ?”
have to arise within us.
We can conclude that just to give an
importance on ‘closed’ condition it is
redundantly given.
Of course, we can say that : A nonempty
Of course, we can say that : A nonempty
subset S of a set G with a binary
operation . is closed under . ,
if a.b ∈ S, for all a, b ∈ S.
This is what we mean by
understanding a concept.
After understanding the definition of a
group, we can find more examples of
Now we consider the example :
The set G of symbols
Now we consider the example :
The set G of symbols
{e=a0, a, a2, a3, …, an-1} is a group.
{ e, , ,
, }
is a group, taking n = 5 and a = .
{ e, , ,
, }
is a group, taking n = 5 and a = .
When we study the group of integers
modulo n, (Zn , ⊕n),
Zn = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1}, we have to note
Zn = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1}, we have to note
the structure similarity of the cyclic
group G =
{ e = a0, a, a2, a3, …, an-1 } of order n and
Zn = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1},
the group of integers modulo n.
This note helps us to understand
isomorphic groups and that any
cyclic group of order n is isomorphic
to the group of integers modulo n.
Think differently, innovatively, about
the cyclic group
G = {e = a0, a, a2, a3, …, an-1} .
G = {e = a0, a, a2, a3, …, an-1} .
Can we consider any finite set
G = {a0, a1, a2, . . . , an-1} as a group ?
Yes, we can consider any finite set
G = {a0, a1, a2, . . . , an-1} as a
group under the binary operation
ai.aj = ai + j, if i + j ≤ n, where an = a0 and
ai.aj = ai + j - n, if i + j > n, (or)ai.aj = ai ⊕n j and e = a0.
ai.aj = ai + j - n, if i + j > n, (or)ai.aj = ai ⊕n j and e = a0.
In fact, a multiplication can be defined on G so that G is a ring.
Think and define the multiplication.
Oh, we are able to create.
Note the beauty.
In the cyclic group
Note the beauty.
In the cyclic group
G = {e = a0, a, a2, a3, …, an-1}
the numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1 appear
as superscripts.
In Zn = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1}
In Zn = {0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1}
the numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1 are the
In our finite set
G = {a0, a1, a2, . . . , an-1} as a group
the numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . , n-1 appear
as subscripts.
After satisfying ourselves with more
examples of groups,we easily prove :
The identity element of a group is unique;
Inverse of each element of a group is unique;
Cancellation laws hold in a group; etc.
The identity element of a group is unique;
Inverse of each element of a group is unique;
Cancellation laws hold in a group; etc.
How do we prove all these preliminary
results of a group ?
Just by using the definition of a group.
Just by using the definition of a group.
We see that in order to be a group the
nonempty set G with an associative
binary operation should have an identity
element and each element of G should
have an inverse element.
But using this we can easily prove all the
But using this we can easily prove all the
preliminary results of a group.
This is the Uniqueness and the Beauty
of Pure Mathematics to be enjoyed.
And this is what is called Applying in
And this is what is called Applying in
the process of learning.
Note that when we verify that G is a
group, to show e ∈ G is the identity
element of G we have to show ae = a = ea,
for all a ∈ G.
But if G is a group, x ∈ G and ax = a
But if G is a group, x ∈ G and ax = a
(or xa = a) for an element a ∈ G then
x = e, the identity element of G
(since ax = a = ae, by left cancellation,
x = e).
In particular, if xx = x then x = e.
In particular, if xx = x then x = e.
Also note that when we verify that G is a
group, to show b ∈ G is the inverse
element of a, we have to show
ab = e = ba.
But if G is a group, a ∈ G and ab = e
But if G is a group, a ∈ G and ab = e
(or ba = e) then b = a - 1, the
inverse element of a
(since ab = e = aa - 1, by left cancellation,
b = a - 1).
This observation or analysis is useful for
answering MCQ.
This is what is called Analysing in
This is what is called Analysing in
the process of learning.
So, whatever we learn we have to
understand, observe, analyse, apply
and create by innovation.
Simply, we have to learn as per the
"கற்க கசடற கற்பவை கற்றபின்
நிற்க அதற்குத் தக"
Read as : "Karka kasadara karpavai katrapin
Nirka atharku thaga”
Meaning : “Learn thoroughly whatever to be
"கற்க கசடற கற்பவை கற்றபின்
நிற்க அதற்குத் தக"
Read as : "Karka kasadara karpavai katrapin
Nirka atharku thaga”
Meaning : “Learn thoroughly whatever to be
learn, after learning
stand according it"
stand according it"
This is what is expected in any
competitive examinations.
Learn accordingly and Enjoy Learning.
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