Groups of Order pq
Groups of Order pq
M. Velrajan
Suppose p and q are primes with p < q.
i) If p ∤ q - 1, then G is cyclic, hence G ≅ ℤpq.
i.e. ℤpq is the only one group of order pq.
ii) If p | q - 1, then there exists a unique
non-abelian group and an abelian group of
order pq.
G = {aibj / 0 ≤ i < p and 0 ≤ j < q},
where ap = e = bq and aba-1 = br,
for some 1 < r < q and p is the smallest
positive integer such that rp ≡ 1(mod q)
and ℤpq are the only groups of order pq.
i.e. there are only two groups of order pq.
For proof
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